El Azteca: Color, Kitsch and Kirk

Bold Colors, El Azteca Restaurant - Austin, Texas

Bold Colors, El Azteca Restaurant – Austin, Texas

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot about El Azteca Restaurant on the east side of town, I finally went there last Thursday. I had a nice relaxing lunch with my friend, photographer and uber blogger, Kirk Tuck. We talked about a range of topics and of course about the latest in camera gear, all surrounded by the cacophony of color and kitsch.

Bold Colors #2, El Azteca Restaurant - Austin, Texas

El Azteca is the kind of place you won’t see in the typical homogenous American suburb. The interior is too random and unplanned that the most creative designer of chain restaurants would have a brain meltdown. This ain’t no Chilis. It’s nice to see places like this still around in Austin.

An Unlikely Combination, El Azteca Restaurant - Austin, Texas

It’s hard to imagine a combination of a JFK tapestry, a neon beer sign and two goat heads. But there it is.

Neon Lit Entry, El Azteca Restaurant - Austin, Texas

Neon, dim interiors and color are certainly up my photographic alley. My Fuji XF1 point and shoot captured the colors well.

Cabrito, El Azteca Restaurant - Austin, Texas

I was more adventurous than normal and decided to get Cabrito, roasted goat kid, for the first time. Honestly, I can’t say I liked it but I’m glad I tried something new.

Gallery, El Azteca Restaurant - Austin, Texas
2013 Holiday Party - Austin, Texas

This place is also famous for its Mayan (or is it Aztec?) warriors and goddesses. They adorn the walls and their calendars. I heard that their artwork has been toned down somewhat from the past. I didn’t get a calendar. Somehow, I don’t think it would work with my usual, minimal decor.

Kirk had his, crazy in its own way, Marc Newson designed Pentax K-01 with him. I wonder if, in Mr. Newson’s wildest design dreams, he can imagine a restaurant like this. The K-01 is certainly unique, I shot a few frames to see if this Lego like camera worked. It has a playful feel like El Azteca.

After an hour and half of banter, we agreed on a couple of things. That 2014 is going to be interesting camera wise and that the Sony A7r’s shutter is too damn loud.

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