My Multiple Crazy Projects

Live Oak Tree - Austin, Texas

Live Oak Tree – Austin, Texas

Somehow, I got myself involved in a number of projects, all connected with photography and blogging. I work full-time too, so all of these are in my spare time, after work. But, before I get into it, I have explain that late March to early April is one of my least favorite times, though the weather here is generally quite nice.

In the U.S., April 15th is the deadline to complete and file your taxes. If that wasn’t enough, in Central Texas, the beautiful Live Oak trees drop all their leaves followed by the bright green pollen that blankets everything. With seven large trees on my property, it’s a lot of work to pickup the leaves. I don’t know which I dislike more, doing the taxes or cleaning up the yard.

On to my projects.

First up, a little nerdity. Do you know what a Raspberry Pi is? It’s a small, inexpensive hobbyist computer used by kids and tinkerers for fun little projects. I thought they were kind of cute but wasn’t interested because I wasn’t looking to create a timer or robot. Then, I hit upon the idea of running a personal blog and putting family pictures on it. It only runs in my house and can’t be access from the internet, which is perfect because I want to keep this private. It’s basically my personal, inexpensive WordPress server. It got the basics working but I’ll talk more about it once it’s fully running.

Next, I dropped a hint a month ago, that I’m creating a book. Well, I’m finally finished with it and it came out great. It’s one hundred and twenty-three gritty black and white photographs from India spread over one hundred sixty-eight pages. If you like my black and white street photographs, I think you will like this book. I’ll talk more about it in the next couple of days and how to order one, if you are interested.

Finally, I mentioned that I’m starting a monthly newsletter. I’m finishing that up in the next several days. It’s my first edition that will go out in early April. Signup now, if you want to get it. I’m sure it will be a collector’s item. In addition to creating the newsletter, I had to figure out how the MailChimp platform works, make a mailing list and a landing page. It’s something completely new that I’ve never done before. Interesting but time-consuming.

On top of these projects, I continue to make a lot of photographs and do one post per day on this blog. No wonder I’m suffering from workflow constipation. But, it’s all good. I’m busy but enjoying myself. It beats watching TV or spending time on social media.

I just started a monthly newsletter that’s perfect for keeping up with the blog. Signup for the Newsletter to get the best of my posts, old and new, plus additional content not available anywhere else.

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